Wiet van Meel
Liaison Manager Bindend Besturen Brabant
Wiet van Meel, known as Pontifax, is a dedicated supporter, facilitator, and initiator of sustainability projects and programs that aim to create value at local, regional, national, or international levels.
Pontifax's approach focuses on ensuring a balanced integration of planet (land use planning), profit (value creation), and people (quality of life) in sustainable initiatives, steering away from mere theoretical solutions and actively contributing to the implementation of enduring projects.
Pontifax firmly believes in the necessity of sustainable initiatives where the elements of planet, profit, and people are harmoniously aligned, emphasizing the importance of breaking down the silos that exist in the western representation-democracy to achieve this balance.
Pontifax leverages its network and expertise in financial, legal, conceptual, and networking domains to bridge the gaps between the different sustainability facets, aiming to make this holistic approach accessible to all individuals, including those with fewer opportunities in society.
Through a strategic methodology of connecting initiatives with stakeholders from various sustainability sectors (planet, profit, people), Pontifax advocates for 'Verkokeren om te ontkokeren,' seeking to unite diverse interests for sustainable outcomes.
With a educational background in vwo at odulphus and a degree in drs, civil and business law from the University of Tilburg, Wiet van Meel possesses a strong foundation of knowledge that complements his extensive professional experience in driving sustainability initiatives.
His long list of affiliations showcases his commitment to the cause, having been involved in various roles such as mede-initiatiefnemer, former liaison manager, expert, mede-oprichter, advisor, co-founder, director, mentor, regiomanager, manager, and bestuurslid at organizations like Tussenheid, Bindend Besturen Brabant, VaB-Impuls, coopnet, CIMBY, coöperatie hilverstroom & gas, REScoopEU, Stichting Kempen Goed, land van oirschot, Land van de Zaligheden, Agro & Co Brabant, streekhuis kempenland, Fontys Centrum voor Public Affairs, Fontys International Management and Business Centre, DO-IT development organisation to intermediate technology, and juridische ehbo tilburg, among others.
For those seeking impactful and sustainable solutions, Wiet van Meel's expertise, experience, and passion make him a valuable resource in the realm of sustainability and value creation.