Vivek Jaiswal
Blockchain, Web3.0, DeFi - Product Management - Software Development - Data Engineering - Entrepreneur - CSE IIT Kharagpur
There are multiple profiles for individuals named Vivek Kumar Jaiswal on LinkedIn, each with different professional backgrounds. Here are a few notable ones:
Vivek Kumar Jaiswal at Accorian: This individual is a Cyber Security Engineer with approximately 3.9 years of experience in web, Android, and network security. He is based in Gorakhpur and has over 500 connections on LinkedIn.2
Vivek Kumar Jaiswal at Bank of America Continuum India: He works as a Technical Analyst 2 and holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering along with a diploma in Electronics.4
Vivek Kumar Jaiswal - Sr. Java Consultant: An IT professional with over 8 years of experience in full-stack development, database management, microservices, web services, and Java-based technologies.3
Vivek Kumar Jaiswal - Strategic HR Professional: Specializes in executive-level recruitment, talent management, and domestic HR.1
Unfortunately, without more specific details or access to the LinkedIn profile with the username "vivek-kumar-jaiswal-36626557," it is not possible to determine which of these profiles corresponds to the query.