Vinod Kumar 24k+
Vinod Kumar is an Experienced Business Development Professional, Visionary Entrepreneur
Vinod Kumar is an ambitious and accomplished entrepreneur with a strong background in IT, BPO, staffing, and business development. He is the founder of Artifex IT Solutions, a company that specializes in design, mobile, and social media, and works tirelessly to bring people closer together through their work.
Vinod Kumar is a graduate of Sri Vignana Jyothi High School and has spent most of his professional career building and growing relationships with companies, teams, and friends. He is a talented coach and consultant who is always looking for new challenges and great people to work with. Vinod Kumar believes in the power of networking and is a LinkedIn Open Networker (LION), encouraging anyone interested in connecting with him to reach out via his email.
Overall, Vinod Kumar is a highly skilled and passionate entrepreneur with an excellent track record in various fields, making him a valuable asset to any organization or team.