Vincas Sidrys
Dr. Vincas Sidrys is a dentist practicing in Roanoke, VA.2 He graduated from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry in 2016 and completed a residency at Jesse Brown VA Medical Center.3 Dr. Sidrys has over 7 years of experience in the medical field.2
Currently, Dr. Sidrys is the owner of Mill Mountain Dentistry, located at 5000 Brambleton Ave, Roanoke, VA 24018.16 At his practice, he offers various dental services including dental implants, crowns, and bridgework.15
Dr. Sidrys was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. He earned his undergraduate degree in Biology at Saint Louis University in 2010 before pursuing his dental education.46
His LinkedIn profile can be found under the username vincas-sidrys-926279140, as mentioned in the query.