Uwe Pieper
Geschäftsbereichsleiter IT/IM/SCM bei Real SB-Warenhaus GmbH
The information provided does not directly match the specifics of Uwe Pieper as the Bereichsleiter at Real SB-Warenhaus GmbH. However, here are some details about different individuals named Uwe Pieper:
- One Uwe Pieper is in retirement since December 22, 2021, and was associated with Baumgarten Handle Systems KG.1
- Another Uwe Pieper works at Nexans Deutschland GmbH.2
- There is also a mention of Uwe Pieper in the context of VIVAVIS Seminarcenter, but it does not provide details about his role or employer.3
- Another profile mentions Uwe Pieper from Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany, but it does not match the role or employer you specified.4
Since the specific LinkedIn username "uwe-pieper-35544ba7" is not listed in the provided sources, it is likely that the profile you are looking for is not among those mentioned. To find the correct Uwe Pieper, you would need to access his LinkedIn profile directly using the provided username.