Tonny Consultancy
Eigenaar bij Groeneveld Consultancy BV
Tonny Groeneveld Consultancy is an experienced professional with a background in education and consultancy.
Tonny studied gecertificeerd jobcoach at Fontys Hogescholen and also attended Pabo Edith Stein for further education.
With a rich history in various organizations, Tonny has worked as a docent Nederlands at ROC van Twente and Volksuniversiteit Enschede.
Tonny has previously been involved as Eigenaar at Groeneveld Consultancy B.V., consulent/afdelingshoofd/jobcoach at SWI, and docent/mentor/stagebegeleider at De Hollandergraven.
Additionally, Tonny's experience includes roles such as docent Nederlands/vakgroepshoofd sectie Nederlands/coördinator bovenbouw at De Ruisschenborg.