Tiago Robinson
Case Manager
Meet Tiago Robinson, a dedicated Case Manager at Oakland School! With years of experience serving the greater community, Robinson has extensive knowledge of counseling and social work. His passion for helping others is evident in his work at Oakland School, where he uses his skills to support students on their educational journey.
As a Case Manager, Robinson works closely with students in need of special education services, and their families. He facilitates communication between parents, teachers, administrators, and healthcare providers, to ensure students receive the support they need in and outside the classroom. Robinson’s ability to connect with young people, coupled with his sharp analytical skills, make him a valuable asset to the Oakland School team.
Prior to joining Oakland School, Robinson gained experience as a counselor, supporting individuals with mental health and substance abuse concerns. This expertise has aided him in his work at Oakland School, as he understands the importance of addressing issues that may impact a student's academic success.
Robinson’s passion for helping others extends far beyond the Oakland School community. He is a renowned volunteer, often donating his time to local organizations focused on providing assistance to underprivileged youth. Through his work, Robinson strives to make a positive impact on the community, one person at a time.
Overall, Tiago Robinson is an inspiring individual who has dedicated his career to serving others. His expertise in counseling and social work, combined with his passion for supporting young people, make him an outstanding Case Manager at Oakland School.