Thuzar Thein
Preliminary Medicine Intern at Mount Auburn Hospital
Thuzar Thein appears to have multiple profiles on LinkedIn, each associated with different roles and locations. Here are some notable mentions:
Thuzar Thein - HR Generalist: Based in Bangkok City, Thailand, Thuzar is involved in HR management and has experience across various industries. This profile highlights a strong organizational and diplomatic skill set .14
Thuzar Thein - Instrumentation Engineer: Located in Singapore, this Thuzar Thein works as an Assistant Geologist at Nishimatsu Construction, indicating a technical background in engineering .2
Thuzar Thein - Communication Coordinator: This profile is from Myanmar, where Thuzar serves as a Communication Coordinator at International Beverages Trading Co., Ltd., showcasing expertise in communication within the corporate sector .3
Thuzar Thein - Retail Supervisor: Another profile lists Thuzar as a Retail Supervisor at San Francisco International Airport while also being a student at San Francisco State University .5
These profiles suggest that Thuzar Thein is a common name with individuals working in diverse fields such as human resources, engineering, communications, and retail across different geographical locations.