Thijs Kranenburg
Lead Data scientist at SDU
Thijs Kranenburg is the CTO and co-founder of Bluetick, a company specializing in implementing AI technology for the legal sector. With a background in data science and entrepreneurship from Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Thijs excels in utilizing Natural Language Processing research to enhance their legal search engine. His expertise extends to crafting AI models and handling vast amounts of data, as evidenced by his successful project at Van Lanschot Kempen. At Bluetick, the mission is to empower every lawyer with access to all pertinent documents while ensuring nothing is overlooked. Thijs also conducts training sessions to equip lawyers with an understanding of how technology is reshaping the legal landscape. Thijs welcomes inquiries about their platform, demonstrations, or training sessions, even accommodating meetings during weekends and evenings for dedicated lawyers seeking to leverage AI technology for their clients.