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Who are Terrence Levens’s most high-profile connections?
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Terrence Levens

B.A. in Political Science, University of Pennsylvania C'20 - Looking for Full-Time Opportunities
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Terrence Levens is a disciplined and highly motivated recent college graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government from the University of Pennsylvania. With a keen interest in International Relations and Latin American culture, Terrence has gained a wide range of professional experience in various fields such as Research, Real Estate and Land Use, Government Affairs, and Brand and Talent Scouting. As a former Research Assistant to Professors Barbara Mellers and Michael Horowitz, Terrence has developed strong analytical skills, while his work as an Asylum Application Assistant and Government Affairs Intern has allowed him to gain valuable experience in working with people from diverse backgrounds. Terrence is also known for his exceptional organizational skills, team-oriented mindset, and willingness to work hard and take initiative.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.