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Tad Shepperd

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Tad Shepperd is a renowned business veteran with extensive expertise in the retail industry. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business from the University of Rhode Island. With over years of experience, Tad has held several significant positions in numerous reputable organizations. He is currently the Founder and Managing Partner of Retail Science. Tad has previously worked as Senior Vice President at Euclid, Partner at Claris Solutions Group, Vice President and Managing Director of US Retail Group at Wincor Nixdorf, and Co-Founder and Co-CEO at Shoppertrak. As an accomplished entrepreneur and business personality, Tad Shepperd has risen to a level of great respect and admiration within the industry. He possesses a wealth of knowledge and practical experience across several areas of retail, which sets him apart as an outstanding leader. Retail Science, which he founded, aims to offer retailers advanced software solutions that allow them to improve operations and customer experience. Tad continues to make valuable contributions to the retail industry, and his work has helped numerous businesses thrive.

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