Suzanne D.
Director, AASC at UC Santa Barbara
Suzanne Dougherty, Director of Arts Administrative Support Center at UC Santa Barbara
Based on the LinkedIn search results, there are several Suzanne Doughertys, but none that specifically mention being the Director of the Arts Administrative Support Center at UC Santa Barbara. The closest match is:
Suzanne Dougherty, who studied at Purdue University, Santa Barbara City College, and is a Marketing Professional Certificate Program Candidate at UC Santa Barbara. However, this profile does not list any job titles or positions held at UC Santa Barbara.
The other Suzanne Dougherty profiles found are:
- Suzanne Dougherty at Leonardo, with experience in Logistics Management, Transportation Economics and Management, Supply Chain Systems, and International Logistics1
- Suzanne Dougherty, PMP, PfMP at Snowcreek Consulting, LLC2
- Suzanne Dougherty from Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania3
- Suzanne Dougherty, Inside Sales Account Representative at Arrow Electronics4
- Suzanne Dougherty, Owner of BeeCause Charms5
- Suzanne Dougherty from Arlington, Texas6
None of these profiles match the query for a Suzanne Dougherty who is the Director of the Arts Administrative Support Center at UC Santa Barbara. More specific information would be needed to determine if this person exists on LinkedIn.