Stephen Reineccius
Chicago based Project Manager
Stephen Reineccius is a highly educated professional with a background in philosophy and a successful career in the food industry. He attended Bishop Rosecrans High School and earned his Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from Wheaton College. Reineccius is a partner at Starbucks, where he continues to excel in his role. His previous experience includes working as a barista at Bon Appétit Management Company. He is a well-rounded individual with a passion for learning, providing excellent customer service and delivering exceptional results.
Jan 22 ·
Rob Hennessy's email & phone number - Project Manager at W.T. ...
Feb 20 ·
[PDF] February 20, 2020 Business Meeting Transcript
Feb 10 ·
[PDF] February 2017 - University of Minnesota Board of Regents
Jun 10 ·
[PDF] Item 9 - February 20, 2020 Business Meeting Minutes