Stella Jang
IVF Lab Supervisor
Stella Jang is a highly-skilled IVF laboratory expert with years of experience in clinical laboratory practices, patient interaction, team leadership, QC/QA, data entry, sterile techniques, microbiological and immunological research techniques, grant writing, operational reports, administrative case and procedure forms, and customer service. Jang has consistently demonstrated success in performing all procedural duties required to excel in an IVF laboratory environment and has a track record of acknowledgments and promotions from supervisors for proactive problem-solving and learning. She is a former IVF Lab Supervisor at CCRM DFW, LLC, a traveling senior embryologist at CCRM Houston, and an Embryologist at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, Utah Fertility Center, Houston IVF, and community health educator at Peace Corps. Jang is a graduate ofThe University of Texas at Austin, where she earned a B.S. in Neurobiology and Neurobiology and Behavior.