Sophie Namy (she/her)
Feminist researcher & practitioner ~ preventing violence against women and girls
Sophie Namy is a feminist activist, researcher, and founder of Healing & Resilience after Trauma. With a Bachelor's degree from Fordham University and Masters' degrees in Public Affairs, International Studies, and certificates in gender studies, social exclusion studies, and global health, Sophie has extensive expertise in development, social change, and gender justice. Sophie has worked in various organizations such as the International Center for Research on Women, USAID/Futures Group International, and Raising Voices. She has mentored rape prevention programs, led gender and development projects and research, and worked on preventing violence against women and girls. Sophie is also a member of the Coalition of Feminists for Social Change (COFEM) and a Prevention Collaboration Mentor. Her work is centered on promoting healing and resilience, gender justice, and fighting against all forms of violence and social exclusion.