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Sophia Hitchcock

Owner & Lead Producer SO - MO Studios
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Sophia Hitchcock is a creative professional with an extensive background in design, marketing, and video production. With experience in various industries, including healthcare, technology, and retail, she has helped different companies solve their communication challenges through integrated digital media campaigns. Sophia is the Owner and Lead Producer at SO - MO Studios, a video production company that specializes in animation and design. Her expertise includes Design and Conceptual Art Direction, Video and Animation for Online Market, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Design, Email Marketing, Print and Collateral Design, and being Mac & PC Proficient. She is also a former Director of Storytelling at AIGA Raleigh, where she honed her skills in leadership, effective decision-making, and problem-solving. Sophia's ability to organize and prioritize, work independently and collaboratively, influence teams, learn quickly, and make effective decisions are some of the key attributes that set her apart from others.

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