Shree Gandhi
JD/HBA Candidate 2023
There are multiple people named Shree Gandhi on LinkedIn.234 One Shree Gandhi was a Summer Caseworker at the Western Business Law Clinic (WBLC).1
The Western Business Law Clinic (WBLC) provides legal services to small businesses, entrepreneurs, partnerships, and not-for-profit organizations.1 At the start of the Fall term, the WBLC hires twelve 1L volunteers for a three-year commitment to the Clinic, who will work on client files alongside a 2L Case Manager and 3L Mentor.1 As a caseworker, Gandhi would have gained experience and had opportunities to develop client relations, draft contracts, and hone their legal research and writing skills.1
Jan 1 ·
Hiring Events - Jobs at IndiGo
Jul 23 ·
श्री गाँधी P.G. कॉलेज, Maltari, आजमगढ़, एडमिशन ओपन फॉर सेशन 2024-25
Sep 4 ·
Orientation Guide Clinics - Western SLS