Shimron Equiano
...In The Pursuit Of Excellence
Shimron Equiano is the founder and CEO of BlocSquared, a marketing and advertising platform launched in 2021.1 He created BlocSquared after experiencing personal tragedies and business challenges, including losing his mother and brother to cancer in 2018 and 2019, respectively, and facing difficulties with his recruitment business during the pandemic in 2020.1
BlocSquared offers 'digital real estate' for entrepreneurs and SMEs, aiming to provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional digital advertising.1 The platform sells 'Blocs' for £199 +VAT per year, giving subscribers access to various features and an exclusive online community.1
Equiano's vision for BlocSquared includes:
- Serving 1% of the UK's SME community
- Offering a collaborative marketing experience
- Providing a more effective advertising solution than social media giants
- Supporting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals through donations
Angel investor Ezechi Britton described BlocSquared as "Million Dollar Home Page, meets Stumbleupon," highlighting its innovative approach to digital marketing.1