Sheldyn Dixon
Chief Operating Officer at Vuly Play
Sheldyn Dixon is a prominent figure in the digital development industry, with a career spanning over 17 years, which has involved working with a wide range of media and clients, culminating in the successful management of complex projects. Dixon began his career in website development, working his way up to General Manager for Fireworks, a digital agency based in Brisbane from 2007-2014. He then worked for Fireworks as a Senior Systems Engineer for their cloud systems. In 2015 he joined Vuly Trampolines as their CTO, then later COO, using his vast experience with digital technologies to facilitate the company's growth. Dixon's expertise includes website development, online database systems, information architecture, marketing, graphic design, and API integrations. He studied Advanced Diploma of Marketing, Marketing, Communications, Management at QLD Tafe and a Bachelor Degree, in Multimedia and Marketing at Queensland University of Technology.