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Shawn McCormick

R&D Leader, #notScoMo
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Shawn McCormick is a seasoned product development executive, with expertise in a wide range of areas including security software, identity access management, SOAR, DFSec, Agile software development, and more. He has a degree in Applied Sciences from the University of Ottawa, and has pursued additional education in Strategy and Sommelier Certification.

McCormick has held senior positions in several leading technology firms including Nokia, Nakina Systems, Nortel and Bell Northern Research. He has a proven track record of optimizing organizational performance, employee engagement, and selecting the right level of R&D processes for development. He excels in people management, scaling business, customer satisfaction, and international OEM partnerships.

In his former role at Signiant, McCormick held the position of SVP of Software Development. Additionally, he owned a vacation rental property, By The Manor, and is highly proficient in the area of wine through his completion of the Sommelier Certificate at Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology.

McCormick's background and expertise make him a valuable asset to any organization seeking to grow and innovate their product offering.

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