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What is Shawn Conly tweeting about?
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Shawn Conly

I am a growth-focused and business-savvy brand and marketing Executive with a passion for developing effective marketing and advertising programs, strong brands, and market value. If I
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Shawn Conly is a well-educated and experienced marketing professional, with a background in economics and computer science. He has studied at top universities such as Harvard and UC Berkeley, honing his skills and knowledge in the field. Conly has held several high-level positions in companies such as GREE International, Inc, Electric Noir Studios, and EA, where he was responsible for global advertising, branding, and interactive marketing. Additionally, he worked as a Vice President at INTEL, where he oversaw global web development and advertising initiatives. Throughout his career, Conly has been recognized for his talent and hard work, and his contributions to the marketing industry have been invaluable.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.