Sharath Chandra Guntuku
Data Science for Health and Psychology at UPenn
Sharath Chandra Guntuku is an Assistant Professor in the research-track at the University of Pennsylvania. He has a background in Computer and Information Science and has a Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University. His research focuses on utilizing computational models to explore large-scale user-generated data to predict health outcomes and psychological states of individuals and communities. He examines the manifestation of conditions such as loneliness, ADHD, stress, and depression on social media platforms and cultural differences in digital behavior. Sharath Chandra Guntuku's research can facilitate early interventions and improve treatments by supplementing clinical diagnoses. In the past, he has worked as a Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Researcher, and Visiting Researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, Research Intern at Panasonic R&D Singapore, and a Summer Intern at CMC Ltd.