Sergey Sholom
Ph.D., GNation Founder | Investor | Entrepreneur | Blockchain Specialist
Sergey Sholom is a successful serial entrepreneur and social entrepreneur, known for his passion for creating value and bringing it to a massive scale. He is a Ph.D. holder in mathematical modeling, with over 15 years of experience in the gaming industry. Sergey founded Datcroft Games, a company that created a popular portfolio of MMORPG, casual, and first-person-shooter games enjoyed by over 15 million users in 15 languages. In 2016, he pioneered the use of blockchain technology in gaming and other industries. Sergey founded GNation (Game Nation) in 2017, with a focus on building a community of 1 billion people who are empowered and united together for greater good. GNation is the first Ethical Social Network for impact, concentrated on realizing UN SDG #17 (Partnerships) and making the world a better place. Sergey's experience and expertise have positioned him as a reputable authority in entrepreneurship, gaming, blockchain technology, and social impact.