Samuel Silva
Senior Mortgage Growth Manager na Loft
The information provided does not directly mention a specific individual named Samuel Silva who is an MBA candidate at IESE Business School. However, LinkedIn profiles can be used to find individuals with similar names. Here are some steps to find the specific Samuel Silva:
LinkedIn Search: Use LinkedIn to search for "Samuel Silva" and filter the results by location and education to find the most relevant profile. You can also use the LinkedIn username "samuel-silva-9b3a5224" to directly search for the profile.
Profile Details: Once you find the profile, check the education section to confirm if they are indeed an MBA candidate at IESE Business School.
Professional Experience: Review their professional experience and connections to get a better understanding of their background and career path.
By following these steps, you can identify the specific Samuel Silva who is an MBA candidate at IESE Business School. However, without direct access to LinkedIn, I can't provide the exact profile details here.12