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What are Sami Paihonen’s favorite books?
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Sami Paihonen

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Sami Paihonen is an accomplished C-level executive with vast experience in transforming businesses, advising companies, and serving in board memberships. His exceptional leadership, empathy, and ability to inspire, motivate, and drive teams have earned him recognition as a transformative business leader.

Sami has an impressive track record of success in various units and companies, including his current positions at Savox Communications Ltd. and Savox Ventures. Previously, he served in different roles, including CEO, SVP, and board member, at Digitalist Group Plc and Nokia.

Sami's expertise lies at the crossroads of design, technology, and research areas. His over 20 years of experience in these areas have positioned him to determine the future for various industries.

Sami studied Master of Science in Engineering at the University of Oulu. Currently, he is a Senior Vice President at Digia Plc, a member of the Directors' Institute Finland, and a former member of various company boards.

This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.
This public profile is provided courtesy of Clay. All information found here is in the public domain.