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What are Sally Haldorson’s favorite books?

Sally Haldorson

Managing Director at Porchlight Book Company
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
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Sally Haldorson is an accomplished General Manager and Chief Strategist at Porchlight Book Company. As a women-owned retail bookstore and service/logistics company, it serves publishers, authors, and corporate audiences. Sally is a skilled facilitator, writer, reader and manager. She has worked in several positions throughout her time at Porchlight, including Curator, KnowledgeBlocks, Writer/Editor, Creative Team, and as an Adjunct Instructor at Upper Iowa University. Sally studied Creative Writing for her Master's degree at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and received a Bachelor's degree in English Literature/Creative Writing from St. Olaf College. Her passion for books, people working together, and women's voices has helped shape the culture of Porchlight Book Company.

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