Sae-Hong Tan
Head Driver
Sae-Hong Tan is an accomplished individual with a diverse background. Tan has professional experience in various fields such as software engineering, data analysis, and project management. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley.
Previously, Tan worked as a software engineer at some prominent companies such as Cisco, Symantec, and Google. In her eight years at Google, she was mainly involved in developing software tools and solutions to improve the company's infrastructure. Her most recent position was as a People Analytics Data Analyst at the world-renowned management consulting firm McKinsey & Company.
Tan has honed her skills over the years, particularly in software engineering and data analysis. She is also proficient in various programming languages, including Python, Java, and JavaScript. Tan has a passion for collaborating with others and thrives in a team environment. Her dedication to her work and enthusiastic attitude has allowed her to excel in each of her previous roles.