Ryan Furness
CEO NearestYou - Store Locators & E-commerce Customer Insights
Ryan Furness is a seasoned entrepreneur, salesperson, and strategist with more than 12 years of formal B2B and B2C sales experience. He is the CEO and founder of NearestYou, a SaaS startup that builds the best managed store locators for natural products CPG, adult beverage, and non-alcoholic beverage companies. Ryan is also launching a new e-commerce sales insights and analytics platform called Lumino that provides valuable insights for Amazon and Shopify customer orders. Ryan's extensive background in business stems back to his childhood, where he started by selling pencils, shoelaces, soda, and candy bars in school. His professional experience includes positions at universities, including the University of Minnesota, where he developed and taught courses in Hispanic Linguistics, Social Media, and Service Learning. Outside academia, Ryan has owned and managed, an apparel accessories manufacturing company.