Rubik Nazarian
DAI Artsen ; zorg, welzijn, preventie | Netwerkzorg | Huisartsenzorg als sterke basis | Gezonde Wijkaanpak
Rubik Nazarian is the initiator of the nationwide platform DAI Artsen, formerly known as Arts en Leefstijl, focusing on the shift from illness and care to health and healthy behavior.
He is involved in promoting a comprehensive approach to lifestyle encompassing aspects like nutrition, exercise, relaxation, mindset, biorhythm, meaning, and relationships.
Rubik Nazarian's work includes the development of Gezondheidscentrum 3.0 which integrates care, well-being, and prevention in a patient-centered and partially virtual setting.
He is also actively involved in initiatives like DAI Paramedici-GGZ, DAI Bedrijfsartsen, and the cooperative model of Gezondheidscentrum 3.0.
Passionate about education, Rubik provides training in areas such as lifestyle, motivational interviewing, behavior change, shared decision-making, and the doctor-patient relationship.
Rubik Nazarian has a background in HBO University studies and has held positions in various organizations including LANDELIJKE ADVIESRAAD SPORTKUNDE, NSPOH, Driehoektraining, and AcademyInc among others.