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    Rosby Kome-Mensah

    Senior Financial Analyst - Global Infrastructure Operations Finance Lead at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    The information provided does not match the profile of a Rosby Kome-Mensah working as a Senior Financial Analyst or Global Infrastructure Operations Finance Lead at Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    The profiles found on LinkedIn are for two different individuals with the name Rosby Kome-Mensah:

    1. Rosby Kome-Mensah II: He is a Finance & Strategy Leader with experience in credit risk, strategic finance, and real estate development. He is associated with roles in finance and capital markets, and has connections to companies like SunFi Solar.134

    2. Rosby Kome-Mensah: This individual is involved in Claims and Litigation Management, works with RP Group Consult, and has an education background from the University of Leeds.25

    Neither of these profiles indicates a role at Amazon Web Services (AWS) or a position as a Senior Financial Analyst or Global Infrastructure Operations Finance Lead. It appears there might be another individual with the same name who is not listed in the provided sources.

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    What are Rosby Kome-Mensah's key achievements at AWS?
    How did Rosby transition from Ghana to a leadership role at AWS?
    What specific projects has Rosby led in Global Infrastructure Operations Finance at AWS?
    What is Rosby's educational background and how has it influenced their career?
    How does Rosby's experience in credit risk and strategic finance impact their role at AWS?
    Rosby Kome-Mensah
    Rosby Kome-Mensah, photo 1
    Rosby Kome-Mensah, photo 2
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    Seattle, Washington, United States