Robert Schlotzhauer
Marketing at ALI CLE
Robert Schlotzhauer is an accomplished marketing and communications strategist with over 10 years of experience working in the Fortune 500 environment. He is best known for his ability to develop and execute global communication strategies, and has a proven track record of success in this area. With great influencing skills, Robert is able to effectively communicate his ideas to key decision makers. Robert studied communications at Drexel University and business administration at County College of Morris, earning himself a Bachelor of science in communications and an Associate's degree in business administration. Robert has worked with several organizations throughout his career, including ALI CLE, the American Law Institute, Laurel Springs School, Lernean, QlikTech, the American College, and SunGard Availability Services. With specialties in strategic planning, project and budget management, business and interpersonal communications, industry analyst relations, and marketing and communications strategy, Robert Schlotzhauer is a valuable asset to any team.