Robert McCloskey
Associate Appraiser at McCloskey, Mulet & Bonnin
Robert McCloskey is an Associate Appraiser at McCloskey, Mulet & Bonnin, a real estate appraisal firm based in Puerto Rico.1 He has 166 connections on LinkedIn.1 McCloskey is also listed as an individual appraiser with the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC), with a registered address in San Juan, Puerto Rico.2 His professional experience includes work in real estate valuation and appraisal services.
Additional Information
- Company: McCloskey, Mulet & Bonnin
- Location: Puerto Rico
- Expertise: Real Estate Appraisal
- Contact: Previously associated with a telephone number 809-781-06342
It's worth noting that there may be multiple individuals named Robert McCloskey in the real estate appraisal field in Puerto Rico, as search results also mention a Robert McCloskey who is President at McCloskey & Bonnin Valuation Group PSC.3 However, the specific LinkedIn profile mentioned in the query (robert-mccloskey-aa320713) corresponds to the Associate Appraiser position at McCloskey, Mulet & Bonnin.