Rey Buckman
In Transition Phase
Rey Buckman is a seasoned professional with a background spanning various roles at Airbus BizLab and other organizations.
As the Impact Venture & #Africa4Future Lead at Airbus BizLab, Rey has demonstrated a keen interest in digital technology innovations with a focus on aerospace and healthcare sectors globally.
With an international profile that includes experiences in countries like Germany, US, UK, Brazil, France, and China, Rey has cultivated a deep understanding of different cultures and perspectives.
Rey's strong corporate background and process empathy were honed during a 3.5-year rotational traineeship, where he gained insights into various company functions and hierarchical levels within a multinational corporation.
His educational journey includes a Master's degree in International Business from FGV-EAESP in São Paulo, Bachelor's degree in Business Science and Management from Fachhochschule Nordakademie Elmshorn, and studies at renowned institutions like The London School of Economics and Political Science, Rotterdam School of Management, and University of Westminster.
Throughout his career, Rey has held key roles at Airbus, including leading initiatives like the #Africa4Future program, driving partnerships between the industry and Airbus to foster technological advancements.
With a track record of working with entrepreneurs, investors, multinational corporations, non-profits, policy makers, and civil society, Rey aims to make a significant impact by developing leaders and promoting collaborative ways of working.
Rey's diverse skill set includes facilitating engagement, team-building, organizational workshops, and fostering inclusive business practices.