Renata Cardoso
Vice President of Sustainability and Low Carbon at Electra Battery Materials Corporation
Renata Cardoso, Sócia | Partner at Lefosse Advogados
Based on the LinkedIn search results, there are several professionals named Renata Cardoso, but none that match the exact username "renata-cardoso-95379713" or the title "Sócia | Partner at Lefosse Advogados".
The most relevant Renata Cardoso profiles found are:
- Renata Cardoso, Vice President of Sustainability and Low Carbon at Electra Battery Materials Corporation in Toronto, Canada1
- Renata Cardoso, Human Resources manager with over 10 years of experience in multinational companies, based in Miami Beach, Florida2
- Renata Cardoso Lopes, an extraordinary professional and fantastic colleague at Moderna3
- Renata Cardoso, a lawyer in Brazil and Portugal involved in trade missions, local partnerships, market studies, and investor attraction4
However, none of these profiles match the exact username and title provided in the query. It's possible this specific Renata Cardoso is not active on LinkedIn or has a different username. Without more information, I cannot provide details about this particular individual.