Remy Alidarso
Remy Alidarso is a developer based in Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.2 He is known for his talent and reliability as a developer, delivering what customers want.2 Remy has been involved with CH (likely referring to a student association at Delft University of Technology) in various capacities:
- He contributed to the MaCHazine, a publication associated with CH.13
- He served as the Chairman (Voorzitter) of CH's Board, as evidenced by his message in one of the MaCHazine issues.3
Remy's LinkedIn username is indeed remyalidarso, as mentioned in the query.2 He is highly recommended for his skills and trustworthiness in development work.2
Feb 21 ·
Hotelvak 01 2024 - YUMPU
Aug 1 ·
About Remy - The Remy Charlip Estate