Reiner Bildmayer
Vice President - New Ventures and Technologies bei SAP SE
The information available on Reiner Bildmayer, associated with the LinkedIn username reiner-bildmayer-9507564a
, does not match the title of "Vice President - New Ventures and Technologies" at SAP SE. Here is what is known about him:
- Reiner Bildmayer is an ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and Sustainability Expert.123
- He is in early retirement from SAP SE, indicating he no longer holds an active role at the company.123
- His profile does not mention a position as Vice President of New Ventures and Technologies. Instead, it highlights his expertise in ESG and sustainability.1
The confusion may arise from outdated or incorrect information, as there are multiple profiles with the name Reiner Bildmayer, but the specified LinkedIn username corresponds to the ESG and Sustainability Expert in early retirement.1