Rebecca Könitzer
Senior Business Design Lead at IDEO; Systemic Coach
Rebecca Könitzer is a highly educated professional with a diverse background in coaching, leadership, strategy, innovation, and marketing.
She studied Systemic Coach, Leadership skills, and business coaching methods at IFW - Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung, Master of Science in Strategy and Innovation at Universiteit Maastricht, Auslandssemester in Service Marketing, Advertising, Corporate Finance, and Mandarin at City University of Hong Kong, and Bachelor in International Management and Marketing at the International School of Management.
Currently, Rebecca holds the position of Senior Business Design Lead at IDEO and has previously worked as a Business Coach at IFW - Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung.
Apr 5 ·
[PDF] Congressional Record - GovInfo
Mar 4 ·
[PDF] 2010 AAAA Convention iSSUe - Army Aviation Magazine