Raquel Mantovani
Raquel Mantovani is a professional based in Socorro, São Paulo, Brazil, with a background in various fields. She is connected to the LinkedIn profile under the username raquel-mantovani-13b7b52, which indicates her involvement in a professional community with 251 connections.1
Professional Background
While specific details about her career are limited, she is noted as an alumna of Udemy, suggesting engagement in continuous learning and professional development. Additionally, there are references to another Raquel Mantovani who works at Accenture and has a background from NYU Stern School of Business, indicating a strong academic and professional foundation.3
Current Role
She is also mentioned in the context of King's College Panama as the Head of Admissions, where she plays a significant role in managing admissions processes and policies.2
Overall, Raquel Mantovani appears to be a multifaceted professional with experience in education and possibly business consulting.