Rajaganapathy Subramanian
Lead Solar Analytics
The information provided does not include details about a person named Rajaganapathy Subramanian who works as the Lead in Solar Analytics at Mahindra Teqo. The sources provided are about two different individuals named Raja Subramanian, one an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida and the other a Vice President at Gexa Energy.
To find information about Rajaganapathy Subramanian, you would need to access his LinkedIn profile directly or look for other sources that mention him. Here is how you can find his LinkedIn profile:
- Go to LinkedIn and search for "Rajaganapathy Subramanian" or use the username "rajaganapathysubramanian" if you have it.
- Review his profile for details on his professional background, experience, and current role at Mahindra Teqo.