Délégation Régionale Hauts de France chez CNP Assurances
Rachid Zouhri holds a Masters in Finance from the University of Lille 1 Sciences and Technology. His expertise lies in finance, wealth management, and insurance services. He started his career at Smeno as a Chargé Du Développement Commercial and then moved on to become a Conseiller En Gestion De Patrimoine Certifié at CNP Assurances. Later, he worked for CNP Assurances as a Chargé Relation Partenaire Et Développement Commercial, where he was responsible for commercial development and partnership relations. After that, he served as a Mission Dr Délégation Région Centre at CNP Assurances, where he gained in-depth knowledge of the insurance industry. With his extensive experience and expertise in the finance and insurance sectors, Rachid Zouhri can provide outstanding financial advice and support to businesses and clients.