Pu Yang
Research Scientist at Facebook AI Applied Research
The information available about Pu Yang, who is associated with a LinkedIn profile under the username pu-yang-3329a957
, does not directly match the details of a Machine Learning Engineer at Facebook AI. Here are some points to clarify:
LinkedIn Profile
The LinkedIn profile with the username pu-yang-3329a957
belongs to a Pu Yang who works at Airbnb, not Facebook AI. This individual is based in the New York City Metropolitan Area and has a background from Cornell University.1
Facebook AI
There is another individual named Pu Yang who has been associated with Facebook, but the details provided do not match the LinkedIn profile mentioned. For example, a Pu Yang is mentioned in the context of serving as a Machine Learning Engineer at Facebook AI, but this is not linked to the specific LinkedIn profile you mentioned.
Given the information, it appears there might be confusion between different individuals with the same name. The Pu Yang associated with the LinkedIn profile pu-yang-3329a957
works at Airbnb, not Facebook AI.