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    Prathyusha Gontla

    Analyst at Accenture

    Prathyusha Gontla, Analyst at Accenture

    Prathyusha Gontla: is an Analyst at Accenture, as evidenced by her LinkedIn profile at She has experience in roles at reputable organizations like Accenture, Flynava Technologies, and Edusports Pvt. Ltd.

    Prathyusha Gontla holds a Dual Degree [Bachelor of Technology + Master of Technology] from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.2 She is based in Bengaluru and has over 500+ connections on LinkedIn.1

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    Prathyusha Gontla
    Prathyusha Gontla, photo 1
    Prathyusha Gontla, photo 2
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    Bengaluru Area, India