Pontus Edman
Handläggarchef på Handelsanställdas förbund
Based on the available search results, I don't have specific information about Pontus Edman as the Handläggarchef at Handelsanställdas förbund. However, I can provide some general information about individuals named Pontus Edman on LinkedIn:
There are at least two professionals named Pontus Edman with LinkedIn profiles.1 One Pontus Edman is located in Eskilstuna, Södermanlands län, Sweden, and has over 500 connections on LinkedIn.2 Another Pontus Edman is associated with Coor Sverige and is based in Göteborg, also with over 500 connections.3
The Pontus Edman associated with Coor Sverige describes himself as a positive person driven by creating relationships and business opportunities.3 He has experience in various roles, including as a Site Manager for the West Region at Coor.5
It's worth noting that there's also a Pontus Edman who has worked in the media industry, with roles ranging from journalist to project leader. Additionally, a Pontus Edman from northern Sweden is described as a creative person always looking for new perspectives and experiences.4
Without more specific information matching the query about the Handläggarchef position at Handelsanställdas förbund, I cannot confirm if any of these profiles belong to the person you're inquiring about. The LinkedIn username "pontus-edman" could potentially belong to any of these individuals or someone else entirely.