Penny Kim
Marketing Trifecta (startup, agency, and corporate experience)
Penny Kim is a talented digital marketer and photographer with an enthusiasm for mobile technology and travel. She holds a degree in Fine Arts from State University British Studies, a degree from King's College London, and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Midwestern State University. Kim has a proven track record in her field, having worked in high-level roles for various organizations such as Javelin Marketing Group, Parkhub, Wrkriot, Mag Technologies, and others. In these roles, she has developed and executed successful marketing strategies, directed digital media and social media campaigns, and managed media teams to ensure the success of the overall marketing objectives. She has also founded her own organization, Dallas Travel Hub. In addition to her professional experience, Kim is passionate about exploring new cultures and trying new foods. Her love and experience of traveling has inspired many of her creative projects in photography.