Paulius Nagys
Paulius Nagys is a business professional with a diverse career in digital industries. He was the Co-founder and Business Development lead at PassCamp, a password management startup launched in 2019.12 Additionally, he served as the Chairman of the Board at Adeo Web, the agency that originally developed PassCamp as an internal product before spinning it out.1
Key details about Paulius Nagys include:
- Has over 15 years of experience in the digital industry
- Worked with more than 100 digital projects
- Currently associated with LupaSearch
- Educated at ISM University of Management4
During his time at PassCamp, he was involved in notable achievements, such as being selected as one of the Best Virtual Teamwork Solutions in the Central European Startup Awards in 2020.3 However, PassCamp ultimately closed down, with the team citing an inability to achieve their expected results.1
May 9 ·
Self-Hosted TeamPass Alternatives - AlternativeTo
Mar 20 ·
Death of a startup: What went wrong at PassCamp - Mehdeeka