Patrick Prunskus
Account Manager at Fully Managed
Patrick Prunskus is a professional with a profile on LinkedIn, identified by the username patrick-prunskus-80956013
. Here are some key details about him:
- Professional Role: He works as an Account Manager at Fully Managed by TELUS Business, a company that provides managed IT services.156
- Education: He has a background in education from Brock University.15
- Location: He is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.15
- Networking: He has over 500 connections on LinkedIn, indicating an active professional network.1
- Additional Interests: Apart from his professional role, Patrick Prunskus also engages in discussions and posts about various topics, including marketing and sports, as seen in his LinkedIn posts about Super Bowl ads and his involvement with Delvinia, a market research firm.23
He also appears to have an interest in sports, as he is listed as a player in the Adult Safe Hockey League (ASHL) York division.4