Pablo Medina
Guionista / Contenidos / Redactor
Pablo Medina is a multitalented professional with extensive experience in the film and cultural industries. He studied at Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires and earned a Licenciatura en Filosofía degree from Universidad de Buenos Aires. Throughout his career, Pablo has worked as a redactor, editor, director, guionista, and jefe de prensa for various organizations such as CIP, BAFilm, Tango Buenos Aires Festival y Mundial, Haunters Clan, and Kung Fu, among others. He has also collaborated with film festivals and media outlets such as Festivales de Buenos Aires and Pablo's expertise includes film production, writing, journalism, and cultural events management. He is a skilled guionista cinematográfico and asistente de guión, and has worked on independent film projects such as El Profesor de Gimnasia, Los Rayos, and Anima Films. Pablo's passion for film and culture has driven him to work in different areas, including press, writing, and film production.