Nissim Pardo
Mobile Tech Lead
Nissim Pardo is a talented iOS developer with a passion for software design patterns. With a degree in computer science from Ha'Universita Ha'Petuha, he has taken the app development world by storm and worked for several notable companies. Nissim has built a reputation for writing reusable and generic code, utilizing blocks, dynamic binding, dynamic polymorphism, and strategies objects to their full potential. His years of work in the industry have resulted in a deep understanding of mobile technology, and he is always eager to sharpen his skills and use his knowledge in new ways. With a true addiction to code, Nissim views his job as a hobby and takes pride in creating polished and effective apps. His work can be found on the AppStore, including the concussion detecter app 1stResponder and casino apps for William Hill and Euro Grand Casino. Currently, he is serving as the Mobile Technician Lead at Kaltura.