Nicole Tehan
Public Relations Freelancer - Master Storyteller - Relationship Curator - Consumer Whisperer - Product Junkie - Dog Mom - PANK
Nicole Tehan is a Freelance Integrated Marketing and Public Relations Specialist based in Greenfield Center, NY. She operates under her own consultancy, Tehan Consulting, where she has been active for over two decades, focusing on delivering impactful marketing and PR solutions for her clients.12
Her professional background includes more than 18 years of experience in the field, during which she has developed a strong passion for collaboration and problem-solving, helping clients navigate challenges to achieve meaningful results.3 Nicole is noted for her ability to work closely with teams and clients to create effective marketing strategies that resonate with target audiences.1
In addition to her consultancy work, Nicole maintains a presence on LinkedIn, where she describes herself as a "master storyteller" and emphasizes her skills in relationship building and consumer engagement.1