Neil Pasricha
Programmer at KTRT Consulting
Neil Pasricha is a Programmer at KTRT Consulting based in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.34 He has experience in sales, having worked at Acer Electronics from August 2002 to June 2006.3 Pasricha also had a role as a Digital Insight Graphic Intern at Digital Insight.3 He studied Electronic Engineering at Mount Saint Vincent University.
It's important to note that this Neil Pasricha is different from the more well-known author and speaker of the same name. The author Neil Pasricha was born in 1979, is a Canadian author, entrepreneur, podcaster, and public speaker known for his work on positivity and happiness.1 He has written bestselling books like "The Book of Awesome" and "The Happiness Equation," and has given popular TED talks.12
The programmer Neil Pasricha and the author Neil Pasricha are two distinct individuals with different career paths and backgrounds.